Happy women's day Mami heart

来自收藏: Frühling/Sommer 2020俱乐部, 竞赛 'Womens day', 5 年之前
by Gianoula
Happy women's day Mami <3- 搭配
评论 (25)



Misshonee, 5 年之前

Congratulations ❤❤❤

Gianoula , 5 年之前

dressi Sie hat sich wirklich gefreut und der Muttertag steht auch bald vor der Tür, hab dich lieb heart heart heart

dressi, 5 年之前

da hat sich Mama aber sehr gefreut, total lieb von dir ♥

Gianoula , 5 年之前

HalfMoonRun Oh wow, thank you again heart *_* Happy to hear it.

dgia Efharisto poli :-****** heart

dgia, 5 年之前

Congrats!!! Filakia!

HalfMoonRun, 5 年之前

Congratulations on your set which features in The Best Of TrendMe This Week ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ and +

Gianoula , 5 年之前

jacksondobe Michelle858 dgia lemo

Thank you so very much, happy to read you and that trendMe put me in the newsletter heart heart heart

jacksondobe, 5 年之前

Congratulations my dear on your set being featured in this week's trendMe Newsletter!! heartheartheart

Michelle858, 5 年之前

No need to explain, dear G smile It is often that real life gets in the way of online life LOL ! heart heart Much love to you smile

dgia, 5 年之前

Ok Gianoula !!!!! TAke care!

lemo, 5 年之前

TU ESTI INGERASUL MEUheartheartheartheartheart

Gianoula , 5 年之前

Dear friends, i thank you this time from my heart, because i have not the time these weeks to create a lot of styles, perhaps sometimes on the weekends. I am sorry that i didn't comment your styles anymore like before, please don't be sad for this. I embrace you and thank you so much again

lemo beautifulplace JelNik dgia BeBeauty beleev justmetwo ale2975 Kate O Michelle858 HalfMoonRun neverorever

heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

lemo, 5 年之前

It,multumesc pentru tot ,, pentru frumoasele Kommentare ,si pentru minunatul Steyl,ce l-ai facut.Te iubesc mult de tot lemoncell(Critarachi) hi,hi,

beautifulplace, 5 年之前

Wie süß und schönheart

JelNik, 5 年之前

Charming set!


搭配中使用的商品 (11)
