In Memory of Tanya

kollektion Art & Fashion For My Friends , vor 7 jahrevor
von heavenlyspider
In Memory of Tanya - Modekombination
This set is for the Late Tanya J & for her family. I created the card as well. @polymorphing from Polyvore - I am praying for you and your family. heart God bless you all!

Kommentare (9)


haikuandkysses, vor 7 jahrevor

Lovely Tribute Set! heart

heavenlyspider, vor 7 jahrevor

You are most welcome sweet sis smile

@polymorphing from Polyvore, vor 7 jahrevor

Thank you so much for this sis. I wanted to come see it again

HalfMoonRun, vor 7 jahrevor

Beautifully touching ♥

pwhiteaurora, vor 7 jahrevor

Beautiful tribute set for Tanya, Colleen, & their family. Very well expressed. Colleen knows of my sorrow & prayers for all of them too....

EmJule , vor 7 jahrevor

@polymorphing so very sorry

Bev Martin, vor 7 jahrevor

Gorgeous tribute!

@polymorphing from Polyvore, vor 7 jahrevor

Thank you so much, sisters for everything. You are really good friends.

hennapaisley, vor 7 jahrevor

@hennapaisley - job nicely done

@polymorphing- I am really sorry for your loss of your sister. Remember she is one of your guardian angels watching over you. May God bless you and give you comfort during this difficult time

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