The Weaver of Tales

kollektion The Secret GardenFantasy, vor 13 jahrevor
von Marisol Espaillat
The Weaver of Tales- Modekombination
In a little cottage, outside of time, is said to dwell the weaver of tales. She holds her sessions to stories tell to an audience we know full well... It is said that she planted the rose that bore the beans to grow the beanstalk that Jack then climbed... But this is just one of the many tales that the weaver tells to weave her spell.

Kommentare (20)


StyleBeginner, vor 7 jahrevor


haikuandkysses, vor 7 jahrevor


Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

Thank you Heartafloat

heartafloat, vor 13 jahrevor

wow!! This is magical! Love it♥

Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

Thank you Di, glad you like the story, great for kids!!!

Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

Thank you so much Sanja

Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

Tina thank you

Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

thank you pepeljugica

Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

Thank you so much svijetlana

Marisol Espaillat, vor 13 jahrevor

Maria, mi amiga del alma, gracias

Lady Di ♕ , vor 13 jahrevor

So sweet, wonderful story! heart

sanja blažević, vor 13 jahrevor

woow..this is really greatsmile)

Tina Jurković, vor 13 jahrevor

wonderful heartheartheart

Pepeljugica, vor 13 jahrevor

So sweet

svijetlana, vor 13 jahrevor

