Happpy New Year

collection 2014New Year, 11 years ago
by gorm
Happpy New Year- Fashion set
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Comments (24)



haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Lorena ♥, 11 years ago

hvala punosmile

mira, 11 years ago

hvala gorm, svako dobro ti želim !!!

THANKS , 11 years ago

thanks,SO MUCH...!!!❤

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 years ago

Happy New Year, dear gorm!!!!!

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 years ago

Happy New Year! Thank you so much! You are very special and has a special place in my heart! Facts occurred which have prevented me from being here before. Peçoa God the best of his blessings to you your beloved family. Big and warm hug.

Elizabeth Gropali, 11 years ago

thank you for writing my name.you are so kind and it is so sweet. heart heart heart and in my turn i wish you happy new year,to get everything you desire this year,your dreams come true and of course stay fashionable and good person as you are now. heart

LadyDelish, 11 years ago

wooow! Kako slatko! smile Ovo je stvarno jedinstveno! smile) Hvala što se i moje ime našlo na čestitci! Sve najbolje u 2014! Veeeliki Pozdrav. heart

svijetlana, 11 years ago

predivna čestitka heart...vidi se mnogo uloženog truda, predivno iznenađenje za mene. želim sve najbolje i sretno u novoj 2014. heart

gorm , 11 years ago

So I tried to write all the names on the card, and to wish you all a happy new year!! And yet some did not even deign to look at it, they're self-sufficient, the real work only for themselves and others they do not matter. You disappoint me!!

gorm , 11 years ago

Toliko sam se trudio da sva imena napišem na čestitku, i da svima zaželim sretnu novu godinu !!!! A ipak neki se nisu ni udostojili ju pogledati, oni su valjda dovoljni sami sebi, radove prave samo za sebe i drugi im nisu bitni. Razočarali ste me !!!!!!

gorm , 11 years ago

And not only you, but all people of the world with the aim of their work, love and dedication make our planet a better and nicer to live not only for us but for future generations! And we will her love of art and fashion to give a small contribution. YOU HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!!!!!!

gorm , 11 years ago

Hvalaaaa, ja sam Gorm ( muški rod ) to jest muškarac za sve koji to nisu znali !!!!!

PETRA78, 11 years ago

prekasna čestitka,hvala draga,također i tebi i tvojima sve najbolje u novoj godini heartheartheart

heartafloat, 11 years ago


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