
collection ArtArt, 6 years ago
by annaboo
Advice?- Fashion set
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Comments (6)


Gianoula , 6 years ago

Awesome to ut a Question in a set, you are so creative

✿♥✿░B░E░A░U░T░I░F░U░L ░✿♥✿

haikuandkysses, 6 years ago

Same problem I am having ... I wish there was a better way to save things and organize them like Polyvore!

Incogneato, 6 years ago

I am in the same boat ... seems tedious to sort items, etc. Wishing you all the best for this New Year! xo

Niwi , 6 years ago

This is what I'm doing Anna, hope it can help :
I created collections by theme ("cats" for instance) so I can find all my cat items into a same place. It's a bit long to build but it helps to save time when I try to make a set and struggle with tools smile I keep these collections "private" so they don't crowd my profile page, but we can make them public of share them just with friends. When I'm into the editor, I chose "All Collections", then "My collections", and get the list. It's a pity they are not into alphabetical order, but well... smile

annaboo, 6 years ago

Thanks @Pam. Yes, it would indeed be good to organize storage...but how? I, personally, have never corresponded with the-powers-that-be here, so wouldn't even know where to start! Have never uploaded my own items either. Too lazy...just like using whatever's already here! It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one though, with the "Favorites" issue. I just wish there was a direct way of transferring those "Favourites" to other categorized folders. UrStyle has it all covered. It's quite similar to PV in many respects, with a few extras too. However, I've become quite accustomed to trendMe and like some of the editing options available here. If only the two could be combined! : )

Pam , 6 years ago

I have a problem with that as well, I have a ton stored in "favorites" but I found it's much easier to just upload my own, so they're stored in my graphic elements. I try to name them appropriately, so they're easier for friends to find & use but if I'm uploading a lot, like Halloween, for instance, I get lazy & just title them all "halloween" and place into "items". I did the same with "winter" and "Christmas".

Searching others graphic elements is difficult too. So much fashion to sift through. Another reason for uploading my own pngs & tubes!

Maybe we can work on getting some kind of storage organizing for the new year?!

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Silhouette - Animals -
Man - Illustrations -
arrow dotted line - Illustrations -
png - Texts -

by ana

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