Viva la Diva!

collection Art Illustration by performanceGlamour, 11 years ago
by Performance Maria de Fatima
Viva la Diva!- Fashion set
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Comments (9)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 years ago

Dear Petra! heart

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 years ago

Thanks, dear Nastaran Taheri, Maca, Heartafloat, Betty Gaither.
Kissss on heart

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 years ago

Moj dragi prijatelj Gorm! Ko vidim svoje prispevke
sreča je ogromno! Njegova odsotnost je velik!
Vedno prosi Boga, da vas in vašo ljubljeno družino zaščitite! Obstajajo ljudje, ki so nepozabna in srce so prijatelji ne glede na to, kje na svetu živi zadevo ... v naših srcih ...

My dear friend Gorm! When I see your messages
happiness is immense! His absence is great!
Always I ask God to defend thee and thy beloved family! There are people that are unforgettable.
Friends of the Heart! No matter in what part of world they are ...
Importantly who live in our hearts ...

gorm , 11 years ago

I work a lot but here and there and take a look at your fantastic work!!! I hope to soon have more time to join you in expressing love for art and fashion. Hello GORM

gorm , 11 years ago

Puno radim ali tu i tamo bacim pogled na te vaše fantastične radove !!!!!!! Nadam se da ću uskoro imati više vremena, da se pridružim vama u iskazivanju ljubavi prema umjetnosti i modi. Pozdrav GORM

gorm , 11 years ago

viva my dear friend Maria !!!!!!!

maca1974, 11 years ago

glamouros smile

heartafloat, 11 years ago

WOW! So Amazing♥♥♥

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