Winter hobo style

collection Autumn/Winter 2018Winter, 6 years ago
by yolanta
Winter hobo style- Fashion set
When winter sun and snowflake-laden horizon collapse to form a new look

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Comments (3)


haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


yolanta, 6 years ago

Thank you, Michele! I tried to upload some of my clothes, but for some reason some of the photos don't want to upload... Hmm

Michelle858, 6 years ago

I was not able to send you a message because you haven't added me as a friend . Here is what I wrote in response to your question : Thank you. Go to any website and download the picture to your computer. Than upload it to Trend Me using the Add Items feature which is upper right on your screen, three lines looks like a box. You can also add clothes and things from people's sets by putting them in Favorites (if the item is set to public). I will send you a message because your name doesn't look like it's hyperlinking yet on here. Welcome to Trend Me. It is indeed a bit difficult to navigate here, but you get oriented the more you use it. Michelle858

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