collection CATSArt, 7 years ago
by Etteniotna
CAT IN THE GARDEN- Fashion set
Only 3 weeks ago I was having fun making a set for the contest "Cats in spring" created by our lovely friend sheelanagig1313.
I am now enjoying my time here, it is different but I like it and I am really happy to see old friends joining, I really hope Sheelanagig will reappear and share happy creative time with us again.

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Comments (10)


dianefantasy , 7 years ago

Sweet ❤

Countrycousin , 7 years ago

so pretty

Kate O, 7 years ago

The Kitty reminds me of my sweet Molly !! Wonderful Kitty Set !!

lastchance , 7 years ago

So lovely ;D

Niwi , 7 years ago

Cute sweet grey cat! Love this beautiful set Ette smile
I hope Sheila finds her way to this place too xoxo

delobo, 7 years ago

so cute!!

Incogneato, 7 years ago

I hope she shows up! This is lovely!

aazraa, 7 years ago


Marina Dusanic, 7 years ago


Suburbhater , 7 years ago

I hope she finds us too - I have not seen her on FB but then I would not know what name to look under there. In the meantime - I hope we can form groups and hold contests here one day soon!

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