Rainbow over Cinderella

collection Frühling/Sommer 2020Spring, 5 years ago
by Gianoula
Rainbow over Cinderella- Fashion set
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Comments (19)



ale2975, 5 years ago

Gorgeous dream!!

dressi, 5 years ago

erinnert mich an Märchen, einfach bezaubernd ❤️

Gianoula , 5 years ago

justmetwo neverorever lemo heart heart heart beautifulplace dgia JelNik BeBeauty Misshonee Marina Dusanic HalfMoonRun June Thankfully greetings to all of you dear ladies heart heart heart

justmetwo, 5 years ago

Wow brilliant ❤️

neverorever , 5 years ago

AMAZING!!!!! heart

lemo, 5 years ago

It multumesc din suflet pentru frumoasele Kommentare pe care mi-le scri eu the iubesc mult de tot,si Iti sartut obrajori.sa ai grije de tine multa in timpul acesta.Te imbratisez cu multa dragoste Limoncell(Critarachi),hi,hi,heartheartheartheartheart

beautifulplace, 5 years ago

Wie traumhaft schön ist das bitte ❤️ magisch

dgia, 5 years ago

So pretty!!! Cinderella is my favorite Disney princess!

JelNik, 5 years ago


BeBeauty, 5 years ago

adore ♥ ♥ ♥

Misshonee, 5 years ago

You have a great imagination! Wonderful Creation

lemo, 5 years ago

asta este asa de frumoasa,ca nu Iti m-ai vine sa pleci dupa pagina,minunata,Te iubesc mult de tot,si sa ai grija de tine,Limoncellheartheartheartheartheart

Marina Dusanic, 5 years ago


HalfMoonRun, 5 years ago

A real fairy tale with such radiant, vibrant colors ♥

June, 5 years ago

This is a wonderful set! I love it!! smile

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