Happy New Year 2013!!!!

collection Home Sweet HomeChristmas, 12 years ago
by Marisol Espaillat
Happy New Year 2013!!!!- Fashion set
For all of my friends and fellow artists. Wishing you all a wonderful new year filled with love, laughter, joy, health and creativity. I love you all!!!

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Comments (7)



BeBeauty, 4 years ago

haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Marisol Espaillat, 12 years ago

Thank you my dear ladies I am so glad you have liked it Maca, svijetlana, Hena and my dear Maria de Fatima, thank you for your good wishes heart

Performance Maria de Fatima, 12 years ago

É muito especial, maravilhoso!

Hena, 12 years ago

great set...happy new yearheart

svijetlana, 12 years ago


maca1974, 12 years ago

tnx dear...this is so sweet smile
happy new year to you too...with many wonderful sets and let all you wishwes became true heart

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