From another point of view

collection My art , 7 years ago
by xrissa
From another point of view- Fashion set
This is one of my polyvore sets. Hello to all ex-polyvorian friends. Xrissa from poly! Looking forward to hearing from you.. Hope this will be our new home. And pleaaase someone pm me to tell me how the art sets and items to use sets is working... i'm a little lost.

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Comments (11)


Barbie Stylist , 7 years ago


Beverly , 7 years ago

Very unique.

Tempesta Artica , 7 years ago

Superb creation my dear! :D
I'm truly happy to find you here! heart

haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


xrissa, 7 years ago

Thank you dalrings!! So good to see you all here!!! Check the redownload all of you, to take your drafts too!!! I have written the link in my wall and in my set news bearer

xrissa, 7 years ago

@incogneato: me too!!

heartsongs , 7 years ago

great set! so good to see you here! gonna take some time to learn, but think i can! look forward to seeing more of your wonderful art!

Incogneato, 7 years ago

Fabulous! I am still quite lost! ;P

xrissa, 7 years ago

Thanks darlings!!!!Miss youuu!!! xoxo!!

necyluv, 7 years ago

I have always loved this set it is Way cool

Laura Young, 7 years ago

Cool set! Well done! ❤️ I believe one of the ex poly’s Is doing some tutorial tips @suburbhater I think. You can add ‘graphic elements’ then copy in the url link and upload from there. We’re all still working it out a bit!

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