Think happy, be happy.

collection Proljeće/Leto 2011Summer, Competition 'Summer touch', 14 years ago
by Marija Jevtić
Think happy, be happy.- Fashion set
Light summer dress with a beautiful combination of colors will show people from the environment as you really look young and happy. Not much, but enough. Accentuated the waist on a dress and a slight drop will hide zour overweight, and with pink-red accents will look more attractive. Thank you for voting.

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Comments (4)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


majakovska, 14 years ago

ovo je.. tako ... lijepo heart
grafički jednostavno, ali ta kompozicija i odjevni predmeti stvaraju atmosferu romantike i prozračnosti...

Lady Di ♕ , 14 years ago

predivno, super šešir!

Mirjana Maćaš, 14 years ago

odlična kombinacija heart

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