Fingers Crossed !!

De la colección Autumn/Winter 2018Otoño, 6 años hace
por Kate O
Fingers Crossed !! - Combinaciónde moda
06 NOV 2018 ~ Mid-Term Elections this year are so important !! America needs a do over and since we can't do that, Mid Term Election could help to KEEP America Great !!

Comentarios (30)


Kate O, 6 años hace

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, 6 años hace

Awesome! Congrats!

peewee PV, 6 años hace


Kate O, 6 años hace

Thanks so much for the Congrats !! Never expected this set to be acknowledged !!
Kathie C
Fashion Design
Georgine Dagher
sandra ~ Hugs Sweetie !! Still keeping my Fingers Crossed !!!

Kathie C, 6 años hace

Congrats! Such a great set!

sandra , 6 años hace

Kate O I do see what you mean, here we are used to coalitions and that does mean that everyone has to meet in the middle somewhere. With just one party across the board that is not going to happen. No matter how much you've won you just have to respect different opinions. That is leadership being able to navigate that and that seems to be the problem.

I hope for you and the world in general that some order (and calm) is restored soon.

Fashion Design, 6 años hace


Doozer , 6 años hace

Congrats Sweetie!! XXO

Georgine Dagher, 6 años hace

Congratulations heart

Perla57, 6 años hace


HonkyTonkDancer, 6 años hace


Kate O, 6 años hace

Thanks for the Congrats !!
Pam ~ Just maybe my set brought Luck !! I am with You Pam !! Now we have a fighting chance against #45 & his Cronies !!
Niwi ~ teehee !! I am set to go to the Home page so I can see the Sets of the Day and Top Fashion !! xoxo !!

Nanni33, 6 años hace

❤️ Congrats dear ❤️

Niwi , 6 años hace

Oh! this is why! My tM page is set to open straight on my page, I never come across tM page so I couldn't see. I can see yours right now. Congrats again! ;-)

Pam , 6 años hace

Record turnout across the county & TOOK BACK THE HOUSE!! It was a great day and I'm happy! Finally breathing a little sigh of relief & have faith in democracy again! I slept well last night!! =)
Congrats on set of the day, too! Good job! xoxo

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