Been Gone !!

De la colección Spring/Summer 2021Arte, 4 años hace
por Kate O
Been Gone !!- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (20)


Kate O, 4 años hace

Thanks Sweetie for the kind wishes !! It has been a slow process ( for me ! ) but I am on the mend and soon I'll have both distance and closeup vision again. One day at a time !! Hugs !! beleev

beleev , 4 años hace

Hope everything is going well ❤️❤️❤️ Hope.and pray for a successful recovery !!!

Kate O, 4 años hace

Thank You so much !! There is progress, but, I am not 100%. Eyes get tired easily and detail work is difficult, but, my distant vision is good !!

collagette, 4 años hace

All sincere wishes for a speedy recovery =D

Kate O, 4 años hace

lemo ~ Thanks Sweetie !!

lemo, 4 años hace

fantastic my dear heartheartheartheartheart STAY HEALTHY!

Kate O, 4 años hace

ale2975 ~ Getting better !! Thanks !!

ale2975, 4 años hace

I hope you are well!!! A big hug dear!!!

Kate O, 4 años hace

Thanks Bunches !! One eye typing is a challenge !!

Connie , 4 años hace

Wishing You to Get well quick and see you soon.

beautifulplace, 4 años hace

Take care & get well soon my dear! ❤️ Hugs!!!

Doozer , 4 años hace

Heal fast Kate Sweetie!! Hugs

Kate O, 4 años hace

It's quite the struggle to carry out normal duties when you can only see out of one eye !! I will be very happy when I have the use of both eyes.
Thank You Sweet Friends for the nice supportive comments !!
Niwi ~ Will do Vero !! Hugs & Thanks !! xoxo
KateGWest ~ heart
Michelle858 ~ heart
justmetwo ~ heart

Niwi , 4 años hace

Get better soon and come back here at full speed Kate smile Take care of you and take the time it needs.
Hugs ! xoxo

KateGWest, 4 años hace

((((hugs)))) sending hugs and wishes for your speedy recovery. xok

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