Halloween = Costumes, Candy and Spooky Fun

De la colección Autumn/Winter 2018Otoño, 6 años hace
por Kate O
Halloween = Costumes, Candy and Spooky Fun- Combinaciónde moda
27 OCT 2018 ~ We don't get Trick or Treaters where I live and if they did come, I'd be gone !! Love going out with my Munchkins on Halloween !!

Comentarios (9)



Kate O, 6 años hace

haikuandkysses ~ Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, 6 años hace


Kate O, 6 años hace

Aww, Thanks Vero !! Maybe I'll rent a scary movie and OD on popcorn and candy !!
LOL !! Hugs back at You !! I'll be thinking about you and all the kids coming to get the candy !! Niwi

Niwi , 6 años hace

Sorry for the day out with the Munchkins sweetie. Yes, I know it's not always easy to cope with split out family timetable.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! xoxoxo

Kate O, 6 años hace

Thanks Sweet Friends !!
Niwi ~ I am not going to be with my Munchkins on Halloween, Phil wants to take them out !! That's what happens when the family is no longer together !! I did get to see them this afternoon because Rachel's shoot was changed and she couldn't get them and work at the same time !! Got a Doctors appt. tomorrow to discuss my latest Labs and the Extremely High timer Marker !! High normal range is 38 and mine was 78. =(

collagette, 6 años hace

Warm and wonderful! =D

Niwi , 6 años hace

The same bowl is full again ;-)
Kids here *always* look like being on high cafein or sugar lol!

Kate O, 6 años hace

Niwi ~ I will !! I remember the bowl of candy from last year you posted !! Lots of Sugar on one Night and Sugar High the next day !! Some school districts voted to have the day after Halloween a Staff Day only. They got tired of all the unruly and rowdy kids high on sugar !! =D

Niwi , 6 años hace

I'm ready to welcome the kids with treats ;-)
Beautiful and colorful combo ! Enjoy Halloween with the munchkins hehe smile

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