Wild for 2019 Fashion Trends

De la colección Autumn/Winter 2018Estilo callejero, 6 años hace
por Sheri P
Wild for 2019 Fashion Trends- Combinaciónde moda
Set #12
Feb 16 '19

As happens so often for me, the "final" version of this set is very different than the first vision I had. (Not gonna tell you what THAT was, because I may give it another try.)

It began with one of my favorite and most flattering colors, mustard. What I envisioned for the second color was definitely NOT red, until I saw the polka dot top ... and I rarely pass up polka dots! With the color scheme chosen, I had NO thought of working animal prints into this set, but then I...

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haikuandkysses, 6 años hace

Great Set!

Sheri P, 6 años hace

Thank you all - @Vittorio1 @esterika Incogneato - it's so nice to hear! And @Vittorio1, thanks for the comment on the Gucci bag.

Vittorio1, 6 años hace

Splendid look! This Gucci bag has connected all the items - fabulous choice!

esterika, 6 años hace

Thank you!

Incogneato, 6 años hace

Works like a charm!

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