this is weird. i miss polyvore.

De la colección idk , 7 años hace
por maggotpunk
this is weird. i miss polyvore.- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (11)


Stormbattereddragon , 7 años hace

glad you're here! Yes is is weird. Your set is great tho! xoxo

dianefantasy , 7 años hace

Cool style !! Glad you are here !!!

@lightning-eyes from polyvore , 7 años hace

this is a great set. i'm still so devastated from the loss, but super stoked to see this rad aesthetic again! this site is super tricky to use, but it's def better than nothing. hopefully catches up soon!

the-greatest-love , 7 años hace

@freezspell Yeah, I saw that today too. I wasn't sure if I should join it yet.

freezespell, 7 años hace

Hey,check out
They're turning themselves into a Polyvore clone!They only have clothes so far but they promised to bring a clipper soon!

maggotpunk, 7 años hace

@freezespell the owner made an announcement on their blog that theyre implementing polyvore's features, they're still a really young website so they have to 'catch up'but im hoping that they make it as similar as possible. this website is more similar to poly but its so hard to use lol

freezespell, 7 años hace

Right. I also joined but they are exclusively fashion oriented. I'll still stick around to see if they really make things better...

maggotpunk, 7 años hace

@the-greatest-love at least that one website has promised that they're implementing polyvore's features in the next few weeks. so that's a little glimmer of hope lol

the-greatest-love , 7 años hace

Same, it's going to take some time getting used to all of these. :(

maggotpunk, 7 años hace

@freezespell i was on there for 9 years man, this is the worst. hopefully shoplook pans out too, they made a blog post saying theyre going to be implementing as many of polyvores feature as they can in the next two weeks.

freezespell, 7 años hace

I find it weird too. Hopefully we'll get used to this new thing :(

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