De la colección MAGIC POTIONSArte, 7 años hace
por Etteniotna
STILL MAKING POTIONS...- Combinaciónde moda
I am not making a lot of sets these days (motivation gone maybe?) but I am still making potions!!!!

Comentarios (8)


sarah115sb, 6 años hace

Glad to know you are still making your potions smile
Do you know if telynor is still around ?

blue2mato, 7 años hace

That’s a relief! How nice to see you x

Jennifer , 7 años hace

yesss the potions! smile)

Etteniotna, 7 años hace


Niwi , 7 años hace

Oh ! a drop or two of each for me... a cocktail! smile
I'm not publishing a lot but I'm often here around, watching my friends sets. I still get inspiration, but miss time and searching our not-organised-favorites is too time consuming. Hopefully I'll have more spare time starting mid July.
Take care of you ! smile

Incogneato, 7 años hace

I’ve been waiting for some potion! I always keep an eye out for empty bottles. Hope you are well, and yes it is not easy to connect with each other like before. ❤️

Suburbhater , 7 años hace

I miss your sets but do understand. This is different and the sense of betrayal remains. I hope in time that we can all recapture what we had! Glad you are still making potions. What would you use for tiredness?

Kate O, 7 años hace

Would Love to see more of You Ette !! Keep making the potions though !!

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