Annual Notification

De la colección Spring/Summer 2018Arte, 7 años hace
por Kate O
Annual Notification - Combinaciónde moda
29 AUG 2018 ~ I am starting to see Fur & Animal prints in sets, so I wanted to let Past Friends and New Friends how I feel !! Hope everyone understands when I don't Comment or Congratulate your sets.
Hugs, Kate

Comentarios (9)


Kate O, 7 años hace

haikuandkysses ~ Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, 7 años hace

((( Hugs! )))

Niwi , 7 años hace

smile Hugs!

Kate O, 7 años hace

That's what I have been doing !! Autumn/Winter brings out the fur & animal prints big time, so I decided to let past & present friends know where I stand !! xoxo
Niwi ~ I know where you stand too !! Hugs !!

Niwi , 7 años hace

You know what I thing Kate, I'm with you 200% and just skip those sets.

Kate O, 7 años hace

Bev Martin ~ Thanks Bev, Totally understand where you and many others are coming from and as you said, we all have our own opinions. Thank Heavens !!

Bev Martin, 7 años hace

You have a right to your own opinion. I will not wear animal prints and all the clothing that I made with animal print fabrics are not real. I do love the look of animal print fabrics without sacrificing an animal or animals to make it!

Kate O, 7 años hace

Thanks Hon !! Unfortunately, even the Faux Fur looks real, so, people would just assume it is real !! Catch 22 !!

Michelle858, 7 años hace

I understand and totally agree. The fur garments I upload and use are specifically faux fur and not real skins. smile

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