5 Years . . .

De la colección Spring/Summer 2019Arte, 6 años hace
por Kate O
5 Years . . .- Combinaciónde moda
02 APR 2019 ~ Dedicated to my Mom, who passed away 5 years ago !! I miss you and Love you beyond words !!

Always and Forever !!

Comentarios (14)



haikuandkysses, 6 años hace

Wonderful! heart

Kate O, 6 años hace

Thank You for You kind words !!

dressi, 6 años hace

es ist eine wunderschöne Hommage an deine Mutter, I hug you!

Niwi , 6 años hace


Kate O, 6 años hace

Thank You to All my Wonderful Friends !! It was a Good Day, but, emotionally draining !! I'll take all the Hugs I can get !!
Niwi ~ I got up at my usual 5am time and then crashed around 9am until 3pm !!
I was definitely drained !! Meesu slept on me the whole time, I think !! =D

Niwi , 6 años hace

I'm happy the day went well Kate, and that your uncle and aunty sounds good. I can imagine how tiring it must have been though and you deserved a day rest ;)
Hugss! xoxo

beautifulplace, 6 años hace

Aww, what a lovely tribute to your mom! So touching, sending you love and hugs♥️

Incogneato, 6 años hace

A wonderful tribute to your mom. Sending hugs xoxoxo

beleev , 6 años hace

Love heart heart heart & (((HUGS)))

HalfMoonRun, 6 años hace

so touching set (with the shades of your mother's favourite colour) that leaves us without words but with a lot of emotions ♥

Kate O, 6 años hace

Thank You so much my Sweet Friends !!
Niwi ~ It was a Good day visiting our Parents Memorial Stone. We had to clean it up because there had been high winds and tree limbs were down. After we added the flowers it looked very nice. We also had a Wonderful visit with out Aunt & Uncle. They were genuinely happy to see us and we spent about 3 hours catching up and reminiscing. Even Alina, who had only met the twice before said she felt so welcomed and Loved !! I am so glad we went, even though it started raining coming home and I guess I was so tired that I have slept most of this day !!
Hugs, Vero !! xoxo

Michelle858, 6 años hace

heart heart heart heart (((Hugs)))

dgia, 6 años hace

How pretty!

Niwi , 6 años hace

Beautiful tribute sweetie, showing her favorite color.
I'm with you xoxo ♥

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