Preserving the Past . . .

De la colección Spring/Summer 2019Diario, 6 años hace
por Kate O
Preserving the Past . . .- Combinaciónde moda
09 MAR 2019 ~ Old Town and it's Fate. Developers intend to tear it down and build Condo's, that most people can't afford and that's called Progress !!
The displacement of hundreds of families and family owned businesses is of no concern !! We have a group of people going to every state documenting these Old Towns and Downtowns that are experiencing the same Fate. Eventually a photo book will be published and the profits will aid the homeless and needy in each state and town documented....

Comentarios (7)


haikuandkysses, 6 años hace


Kate O, 6 años hace

Thank You Both for your Comments !!
Incogneato ~ We are definitely on the same page !! In most larger cities there are neighborhoods that need to be saved and renovated. Not with Steel and Glass !! Sacramento's Downtown and Mid-town are being revitalized and the Beautiful Victorian houses are being saved, which is great !!! However, these houses are now too expensive for people like you and me to purchase. Affordable housing is a joke here and it needs to be addressed quickly. The powers that be are telling us it is in the works, but, in the meantime we are renting or buying above our means and then getting into financial trouble, again !! People from the Bay Area are moving here and commuting because the rent & mortgage prices are almost as bad as NYC. They have the money and are willing to pay a higher price, so Landlords especially are jacking up their rent !! Both my daughter & I are victims of the Housing Crisis in 2008-10 and are now renters, not home owners !! The duplex she is in is not worth the rent !! But, the mindset of Landlord is; "No one is going to tell me what I can charge for my properties !! " I agree, however, when the price doesn't reflect the condition of said properties, it is just plain greed that is their motivation. When repairs were needed to meet State requirements they jacked up her rent. Obviously the Golden State is only Golden for the Landlords & Mortgage Companies !! =(

HalfMoonRun ~ Hugs Sweetie !! Appreciate your comment & lovely compliment !

Incogneato, 6 años hace

Wonderful evocative set. I think there has to be push back against the developers. The measures implemented by the federal and provincial govts have apparently halted the outrageous prices in Vancouver. But beyond that, it is essential to maintain some of the old neighborhoods, ensure any development will include both affordable and subsidized housing, that the (minimally) facades of the buildings are kept and planners seek to improve not just destroy.

HalfMoonRun, 6 años hace

Très joli style et belles couleurs. Beau thème et éditorial qui fait preuve d'une belle sensibilité. - Very nice style and beautiful colours. Great theme and editorial that shows a nice sensitivity. ☆ xoxo

Niwi , 6 años hace

Hugs sweetie ! xoxo

Kate O, 6 años hace

Thanks Vero !! Yes, I know that this is a world wide situation and not all Old Town or Downtowns should be torn down or renovated. To be honest I haven't a clue as what it would take to refurbish or renovate these places versus total tear down !! It is just sad to see and know these beautiful places will be destroyed so new overpriced Condo's, houses or office buildings can take their place. There are just too many worthwhile causes that need our help and not enough funds to make a real difference. Heck, we can't even get our Government ( #45) to help with Puerto Rico, the Wildfires and a humane way to deal with people trying to escape a deadly situation !! But a Billion plus dollar Wall is what he thinks is the solution and of course it would fulfill is campaign promise to his followers. The sane politicians have said no and are blocking the Wall, but, I just read that the Military is ready to give him a Billion dollars from their reserve fund. I think he has twisted the Militaries Top Dogs arm, since #45 is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, to get the funds. Not sure how this will play out and what can be done to stop it. Argh !!
I'll get off my soap box !!
Happy Sunday Sweetie !! xoxo !!

Niwi , 6 años hace

Same problem here Kate, and in every big town I guess.
This is a beautiful set, I like the pictures you chose to illustrate. I think I used the one with the bycicle in PVland once smile
Hugs ! xoxo

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