The Classic Evening Outfit for a rectangle shape

De la colección Spring/Summer 2020 , 5 años hace
por Rea Spelzini
The Classic Evening Outfit for a rectangle shape - Combinaciónde moda
For this last look, I wanted to go minimalist, smart and classy. Black for me has always been such a classic colour and can be styled in so many beautiful ways. (It can also be very slimming too!)

Firstly I saw this stunning drop waist dress with a collared styled neckline and I thought this was perfect for a rectangle shape. It draws in the body giving her a curvy frame, with the belt. Then the long balloon styled sleeves gives her a length, and not to mention the attention this will bring...

Comentarios (2)


BeBeauty, 5 años hace

so stylish total black attire smile

Michelle858, 5 años hace

Meticulous styling of this most outstanding outfit. I wish I had it : ) GREAT WORK heart

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