Corporate Dress Code

De la colección Spring/Summer 2021Trabajo, 3 años hace
por Kate O
Corporate Dress Code - Combinaciónde moda
07 JUN 2021 ~ Some companies want their employees to dress similar, thus, the all black palette. Other companies are more relaxed fashion-wise, but, still wants their employees to dress professionally..
Flip-flops, PJ bottoms, ripped jeans and revealing attire are definitely on the " NO, NO" list !!
Happy Monday to all the working Girls !!

Comentarios (17)


Heavenly Beads, 3 años hace

Too Cute!!

Kate O, 3 años hace

The money differential was not that much, so I couldn't leave Rachel for a few extra bucks.. ;-)
Hugs Vero !!

Niwi , 3 años hace

Very wise ! Extra pay can is not always the most precious in life.
Hugs Kate ! xoxo

Kate O, 3 años hace

Ha,Ha !! Never worked the night shift even if the pay was more. Just not worth it since I had Rachel and not too many people would be willing to sit all night !! So, I worked days !! xoxo

Niwi , 3 años hace

lol ! Probably smile

Kate O, 3 años hace

Thanks Bunches !!

Michelle858, 3 años hace

Wow, I love this

Kate O, 3 años hace

Niwi For some reason the powers that be agreed with the employees about what they can wear !! I am sure it took the Union some serious negotiating, I think the employees are abusing the agreement and the Supervisors don't care, they probably wear Jammies too !!

Kate O, 3 años hace

peewee PV ~ Thanks Sweetie !

Niwi , 3 años hace

Oh great ! A pillow ! That's powerful :D
More seriously, I can understand that nightshift employees who are not supposed to meet customers or anybody else may be more comfy in what they are wearing.
There must be a balance between suits and this lady, somewhere ah :D
Hugs Kate ! xoxo

peewee PV, 3 años hace

wonderfully comfy and elegant

Kate O, 3 años hace

BeBeauty ~ Thank You M'Dear !!

BeBeauty, 3 años hace

classy ♥

Kate O, 3 años hace

Thanks my Dear Friends !!
Niwi ~ I worked for ATT and I always came in early to make coffee, check e-mails, etc.. . . Besides being the Corporate Office, long distance and directory assistance operators had offices in the lower level. The job is covered 24/7 with no outside customer contact, however if there was an early meeting the suits could possibly run into one or more employees coming off the night shift. I remember a couple of suits in the parking lot staring at this employee leaving work wearing PJ bottoms, fuzzy slippers and carrying a pillow !! She also looked like she just rolled out of bed with wild hair and a cup of coffee !! Needless to say the men were appalled at her appearance because of the comments I was able to hear. Non-management is Union and apparently the employees that had no customer contact and worked nights were exempt from any Dress Code. Non-Management who worked days in the building were required to wear professional attire. You could always tell who was Management !!
Geez !! I can't remember the last time I thought about that incident.
Hugs Vero and stay comfy !! xoxo

HalfMoonRun, 3 años hace

Unique styling. Very pretty colours and set.

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