
collection AlternativeAutumn, 2 years ago
by kiwijam
October- Fashion set
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Comments (12)



kiwijam, 2 years ago

ultrawiolet the right mood for October heart

ultrawiolet, 2 years ago

witch's mood heart

JelNik, 2 years ago

Love this set!

kiwijam, 2 years ago

Thank you very much Renita heart

Renita , 2 years ago

Perfect, love the skirt paired with those boots!

kiwijam, 2 years ago

Thank you very much everyone! heart heart BeBeauty justmetwo Evgeniya7 Michelle858 HalfMoonRun KateGWest

BeBeauty, 2 years ago

super smile

justmetwo, 2 years ago

Fabulous ♥

Evgeniya7, 2 years ago

❤️ I like your set!! ❤

Michelle858, 2 years ago

Amazing modern fashion - heart heart heart heart

HalfMoonRun, 2 years ago

Another so great style and wonderfully creative set delicately well designed. I love your sets (and your username). ❤︎

KateGWest, 2 years ago

This is Marvelous!

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