The levitating book

collection ART , 5 years ago
by Niwi
The levitating book- Fashion set
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Comments (6)


Enchanticals , 5 years ago

This is fantastic. So many levels to it.

Kate O, 5 years ago

Awesome Art Vero !! It kind of gives you that unsettling feeling in your gut that things aren't quite right !! Very Supernatural feel to this set !!
I Love it !! Hugs !!

HalfMoonRun, 5 years ago

Great artistic set with such a wonderfully creepy atmosphere xo

Niwi , 5 years ago

Thank you Michelle !
Well I must comfess I don't know anything about that song, I don't even know Gordon Lightfoot smile

Michelle858, 5 years ago

P.S. I realize that is not what you were going for with this LOL smile

Michelle858, 5 years ago

Whoa ! I immediately thought of the Gordon Lightfoot song , "Sundown". If you read the lyrics of that song, you will know you've created the visual for it ! ! !
Incredible genius !

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