~ Inspiring past life dream reality!~

collection Artwork , 4 years ago
by Ingela (pingela-1 Cosmos ex polyvore)
~ Inspiring past life dream reality!~- Fashion set
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Comments (10)



lilacat, 3 years ago

beautiful set! heart

sandra , 3 years ago


lemo, 4 years ago

thank you very.very much my dear for Heartsheartheartheartheartheart GREETINGS!

lemo, 4 years ago

thank you very,very much for Heart my dear heartheartheart I WISH YOU A NICE DAY!"

HalfMoonRun, 4 years ago

Impressive, as always. (love when a set tells or lets us imagine a story.)

lemo, 4 years ago

wow so cool my dear heartheart4heartheartheart

BeBeauty, 4 years ago

stunner smile

kari ch, 4 years ago

heart heart heart

JelNik, 4 years ago

Fantastic creation!

KateGWest, 4 years ago

WoW! this is a winner - have I told you lately I adore your art? Well, I do!!

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