Sexy Summer Shorts: The Look - Rock Chic!

kolekcija Thank God I am FabulousRock, prije 3 godine
od cure kitty
Sexy Summer Shorts: The Look - Rock Chic! - Modna kombinacija
Hello Friends!
Summer is here and it's time to Rock your Sexy Summer Shorts! Rock and Roll is Not Dear and Music Helps Me Escape From The Reality I Live In! So Look Cool & Sexy in this Rocking Sexy Summer Shorts Look! Rock On!

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katrandu, prije 2 godine

very kool

DiscoMermaid , prije 3 godine

This is such a perfect outfit!

Michelle858, prije 3 godine

This outfit is truly awesome - just like you, dear Cure Kitty !

cure kitty, prije 3 godine

Perfume Inspiration: Dangerous Complexity Edp by Etat Libre d'Orange -

Musical Inspiration: We Will Rock You by Queen:

cure kitty, prije 3 godine

This is my 2nd posting if this Rock Chic set! In error I accidentally deleted the 1st copy when I went into the dressing room to edit the name of the Set! I clicked the Delete button instead of the Save Button!!! Thankfully, I still had a copy of the Set in My Drafts Folder and here it is again!

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