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prima 6 annifa
di Pam
We had our first snow last week. And NO, it wasn't all pretty & magical. It was cold & dreary & icy & dangerous and UGH. It's too early to be this cold & significant snowfall. I actually had to take a snow day. In NOVEMBER. ={
Pam, Totally understand !! Every Summer I ask myself why do I live in Sacramento where it gets to be over 105 !! I don''t mind the cold as long as I have heat to warm me and since I am retired I don't have to go anywhere !! I can hibernate if it's too cold !! I wish it would snow here, but, that is very unusual and it never sticks !!
Happy Cold & Snowy Thanksgiving Sweetie !! It's raining here !!!
Michelle858 It took me almost 2 hours to get home from work one night because of ice. Then a few days later we got the snow.... but we're looking at warmer temps the next few days & I can't be happier to see this crap melt away!! =)
Kate O I've lived almost my entire life in Illinois... I'm used to winter, snow, cold, even ice... but NOT this early in the season. This is late dec/ early Jan weather.
Never fear though, tomorrow is supposed to be 55 and we're back to 60 by Saturday! =/
@niwi We got 5 inches of snow where I live. I don't mind snow, but I prefer it in December or January... not Nov 8th!!! And I DETEST the cold. I can't believe I haven't moved to a warmer climate yet!! Maybe when Olivia is out of college & on her own?!
I'm sorry for the disturbance Pam. We had our first snow yesterday too, some area turned a bit white but not in mine.
This is a beautiful set though, love it.
Fabulous Wintery Art Set !!! Love watching it snow, but, I don't like driving in it because of the crazy drivers who know nothing about driving in the snow !! When I lived in snow country I would see lots of minor accidents and abandoned vehicles along side the road and I Laughed !!!
I do relate ! It was pretty much fine because I didn't have to be anywhere that day anyway. therefore, not on the road. Many, many accidents, though. Cute set !