Mixing & Matching is the name of the Game.

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2018Elegante, prima 7 annifa
di Jane Donnelly
Mixing & Matching is the name of the Game.- Combinazione di moda
Mixing patterns has become a class look over this past few years with all the new technology, trending bright colors, classic polka's in black & white help glue this outfit together having a spot on "in style" look." In ten years it will still be in fashion.

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Commenti (5)



shortyluv718, prima 7 annifa

beautiful dress. Sophisticated style set.

JecaKNS, prima 7 annifa


dehti, prima 7 annifa

Look with striking appearance!

vespagirl, prima 7 annifa


EcoDe, prima 7 annifa

so fresh!!

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