Boots-Proof God Loves Us

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2020Tutti i giorni, prima 4 annifa
di Enchanticals
Boots-Proof God Loves Us- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (7)


Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

No boot left behind ! ! !
I am also a boot fanatic ! More boots than room to store them but my boots all have a comfortable niche to hang out in. Loving all the boots heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

Try looking at earth origins boots. I have a pair that works well with my ankle and knee braces and still looks good. Looking good, feeling good, being supportive and easy to put on is a tough combination. Be well

BeBeauty, prima 4 annifa

I love all those comfy boots smile

Enchanticals , prima 4 annifa

I honestly kinda borrowed something from Ben Franklin for the title. He said, "Beer is proof God loves us."

Enchanticals , prima 4 annifa

Thanks! Surprise. I popped on for a bit. I appreciate your comments. I love boots, but faux leather. No faux leather here; so, I went with it.

Renita , prima 4 annifa

Awesome choices!

HalfMoonRun, prima 4 annifa

For sure, you truly like boots, all kind of boots. Pretty boots and great title.

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