~ Dear Mum, we love you! ~

z kolekcji Frühling/Sommer 2020Miłość, przed 5 lat
od Gianoula
~ Dear Mum, we love you! ~- Kreacja
Te iubim Mamitza draga a nostra! Multumim pentru tot ce ai facut pana acuma pentru noi si ce faci! Multumesc Domnului ca esti o femeie cu mult suflet si ajutatoare! Sa fi sanatoasa si fericita alaturi de famila ta! Te iubim! heart heart heart

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lemo, przed 5 lat

iti multumesc din suflet pentru,frumosul comentarheartheartheartheartheart,RAMII SANATOASA

dgia, przed 5 lat

Hi Gianoula!!! What a great surprise !I an so happy to know that you are fine!-Summer is here but we have to stay safe,OK?---Greetings from our beautiful Greece!!!!!Hugs my sweet websister!

Gianoula , przed 5 lat

dgia Patrida mou, i am fine and learn a lot these days,! I am healthy and thank you so much for asking and commenting me! heart Greeting to our lovely and beautiful Greece and i embrace you very much! Your greek sister! *_*

Gianoula , przed 5 lat

Renita Thank you very much! heart

Gianoula , przed 5 lat

lemo Draga mamilitza. si eu te iubesc mult de tot. Multumesc pentru mancarica buna si placinta de azi si bogda prosti pentru mancare sa primeasca cei adormiti mantuire si pace! Te imbratisez cu mare drag! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

Renita , przed 5 lat

Sweet smile

dgia, przed 5 lat

Hallo Gianoula---,how are you!??

lemo, przed 5 lat

HALLO;TE IUBEEESCheartheartheart

lemo, przed 5 lat

Iti multumesc pentru ca m-ai dat o inimoara,the iubesc mult de tot si multa sanatate,the sarut pe obrajori,TU ESTI INGERASUL MEU,heartheartheartheartheart

lemo, przed 5 lat

Iti multumesc pentru complimentele frumoase facute care se duc la inimoara.TE IUBESC MAULT DE TOT SI TE SARUT PE OBRAJORIheartheartheartheartheartheartheartMAMA

Gianoula , przed 5 lat

Lumi21 lemo Doozer HalfMoonRun Thank oyu so much for your lovely comments dear friends! i wish you all a good season! heart heart heart

Gianoula , przed 5 lat

dressi Vielen Dank. liebe Dressi! Meine Zeit ist gerade sehr begrenzt, ich schreibe dir, wenn der Arbeitsstress bei mir vorbei ist, viele Grüße nach Austria, du liebe! heart heart heart

Lumi21 , przed 5 lat

Congratulations on being featured in The Best Of TrendMe For This Week!hugs!

HalfMoonRun, przed 5 lat

Congratulations on being featured in The Best Of TrendMe For This Week ♥

Doozer , przed 5 lat

Congrats on being featured in the Best of TrendMe Newsletter this week Sweetie!! XXO

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