Golden Days of Travel

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2021Putovanje, pre 4 godine
od Kate O
Golden Days of Travel - Modna kombinacija
09 JUN 2021 ~ All that glitters may not be Gold, but, it sure is pretty !! Enjoy Life while you can and make sure the map is the right side up !!

Have a great Wednesday !!

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Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Bunches !!

HalfMoonRun, pre 4 godine

So lovely and feminine styling. Love the orange / gold shades. Beautifully inspired (and inspiring) set.

Kate O, pre 4 godine

lemo ~ You are welcome and Thanks for the nice comments !!

lemo, pre 4 godine

superb heartheartheart thank you very,very much my dear Kate for congratulations

Niwi , pre 4 godine


Kate O, pre 4 godine

Big Hugs & Thanks !!
Niwi ~ Ahoy Matey !! xoxo !!

BeBeauty, pre 4 godine

love it all smile

Niwi , pre 4 godine

Really pretty Kate ! Everybody on board ! smile
Hugs ! xoxo

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