Just Because..

коллекция artИскусство, до 7 года
от necyluv
Just Because..- Модное сочетание
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Комментарии (31)



Imisspolyvore, до 7 года


Barbie Stylist , до 7 года


Cindy Thompson, до 7 года

So wonderful seeing your sets Denise sweetie but most of all to see good friends here!

angelicallxx, до 7 года

Fantastic dear!!! Glad to see you!!! xoxo >;D

Pam , до 7 года

DENISE!!!!!! I'm sooo happy to find you!!!!!

jcmp, до 7 года

Yes! Christmas came early for them!

They are scrambling to try and upgrade their sites, I'm sure. We might crash some of them.

For now, we're all partying via messaging, it appears...

Babies in a playpen crawling around....former rock stars...top sets artists...oh, how the mighty have fallen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suburbhater , до 7 года

@jcmp - same message here. I think any and all of these sites are thrilled to have PolyRefugees join them

jcmp, до 7 года

And yeah, we're all over the place, all of one mind, though.

jcmp, до 7 года

There is a message from the admin in "Community" that states they are working to upgrade it as fast as possible to accommodate the PV orphans.

Suburbhater , до 7 года

I checked URSTYLE but it did not have the art capability that I want. Shame that we may end up on three different sites to do what we used to do on one.

jcmp, до 7 года

I am headed over to URSTYLE where they say they are trying to revive PV...

Lots of Polyfam there.....

necyluv, до 7 года

I Understand... I'm hoping a Polyvore resurrection will happen myself. It may just be wishful thinking but sometimes wishes do come true. smile

thanks for stopping by everyone! AGAIN it is So good to see you all.

jcmp, до 7 года

I hear you..just am not feeling it right now, but that is in no way a commentary against any artist here! I am sitting back and observing for now...sitting on a bench people watching, if you will.

Suburbhater , до 7 года

jcmp - it is sure going to take awhile but they have the most ability for art sets that I have found and are willing to work with us to some extent.

jcmp, до 7 года

Yes, yes, so true!

Still hopeful that PV will rise from the ashes...

I can't get with this app, though...

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Графические элементы  (8)

Oval Blur - Иллюстрации -
Flower - Растения -
Effects - Иллюстрации -
landscape - Иллюстрации -
Effects - Иллюстрации -
Poly Items I Created - Иллюстрации -
Ghost - Фигуры -

Сочетания с аналогичными элементами


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