Loving ourselves

коллекция Autumn/Winter 2018 , до 6 года
от Sunnys System
Loving ourselves- Модное сочетание
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Комментарии (4)



Sunnys System , до 5 года

Hello Kathy, I am glad to see you found this site. I have not found it easy to make sets like PV was but am trying. I have not figured out private messages yet. I was too late to capture all of my 100+ sets from PV but I had a lot of them I have saved over the years in word doucments. I used to copy my sets into word and send them to my T.
So how are you doing?

sarah115sb, до 6 года

I have changed my name on this website to sarah115sb
Sunny you will recognize me as this name.
Sorry , I just remembered that was my name on Polyvore. This will make it easier to connect with other Poly friends.

sarah115sb, до 6 года

Sunny, is that you? I was thinking of Grace today and of all my dear Poly friends. I miss Poly and my dear friends so very much. I didn't realize they were going to shut it down until it was too late :( :( I have been looking for a new site where I can make sets that are Art and Survivor oriented NOT fashion. I really miss all the friendship and support we all had at Poly. How are you? Is it possible to make art sets here? Can you send private messages to each other? I'm not a very computer savvy person. I will probably need a tutor here smile

haikuandkysses, до 6 года

So Beautiful!

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