Class of 2021

коллекция Lala's StyleГламур, до 4 года
от Lala True
Class of 2021- Модное сочетание
This was the same dress that I wore to my high school graduation in June (earlier this year). I still can't believe I graduated. I am currently in university and working on my double major in psychology and education. When I grow up, I would like to teach children and work for the BAU of the FBI (later in life).

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Комментарии (18)


DiscoMermaid , до 4 года


Doozer , до 4 года

This is beautiful Sweetie, congrats!! XXO

Márta Tugyi, до 4 года

Congratulations on your Set of The Day!

BeBeauty, до 4 года

phenomenal ♥ congrats

kari ch, до 4 года

Congratulations heart

lemo, до 4 года

superbCongratulations! my dear heartheartheart

KateGWest, до 4 года

Congratulations on Your Wonderful Set of the Day!

Ljubacelo-Ljiljana Radisavljević, до 4 года


beautifulplace, до 4 года

Congrats on set of the dayheart

justmetwo, до 4 года

Double congrats to you smile wonderful set smile

JelNik, до 4 года


beleev , до 4 года

Wow !!! Do happy for your achievements ❤️❤️❤️ Congratulations and congratulations on your trendMe Set of the Day !!! Marvelous !!!

jacksondobe, до 4 года

Congratulations on your graduation and future plans!! I know you'll do well in all your endeavors!!
Congratulations on your Set of the Day!! heartheartheart

Michelle858, до 4 года

I am happy that this is Set of the day !
Congratulations heart

HalfMoonRun, до 4 года

Congratulations on your Set Of The Day.

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Артикулы сочетания (9)

Классическая обувь
Beige classic shoes - Классическая обувь -
Очки корригирующие
Glasses - Очки корригирующие -
Eye shadow - Косметика -
Q6J23K17DB000 - Серьги -
Haljine - Платья -
Сумки c застежкой
Bag - Сумки c застежкой -

от beleev

Iphone 12 - Реквизиты -

Графические элементы  (3)

Diploma - Предметы -
Text - Тексты -
ывапрол - Фоны -
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