Casual chic style and Nile Necklace

коллекция Nellanis Beads DesignЕжедневно, до 5 года
от Nell
Casual chic style and Nile Necklace- Модное сочетание
Spice up your look with this elegant, easy-to-style Nile necklace by Nellanis Bead Design. Wear it with your casual outfit to show your individuality, or transform your plain, office outfit to make it look fashionable without a hassle.

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Комментарии (2)


Nell, до 5 года

Thank you so much! I'm stiil learning how to navigate the site)) It's so much fun though, especially when I get to create fashionable outfits with my jewelry. I wish they had a bigger selection of clothes/shoes to pick from.

Michelle858, до 5 года

Perfect outfit - I love it heart

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Артикулы сочетания (5)

Nile Necklace - Ожерелья - $155.00  ~ 133.13€

от Nell

$155.00 ~ 133.13€


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