Hello gorgeous!

iz kolekcije AlternativeVsakdanje, pred 2 leta
od kiwijam
Hello gorgeous!- Modna kombinacija
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Komentarji (14)



kiwijam, pred 2 leta

Thank you! heart lemo herasdarne
Grazie mille! Michelle858 heart

Michelle858, pred 2 leta

Questo è così eccellente. Mi piacerebbe indossare questo vestito heart

lemo, pred 2 leta

thank you very,very much for congratulations my dear heartheartheartheartheart"GREETINGS!"

herasdarne, pred 2 leta


kiwijam, pred 2 leta

Thank you very much! heart KateGWest BeBeauty Renita

KateGWest, pred 2 leta

an exceptional set!!

BeBeauty, pred 2 leta

super smile

Renita , pred 2 leta

Cute style!

kiwijam, pred 2 leta

Thank you very much! heart justmetwo Doozer lemo Evgeniya7 HalfMoonRun

justmetwo, pred 2 leta

Fantastic,i would love it ♥

Doozer , pred 2 leta

Fabulous Sweetie!! XXO

lemo, pred 2 leta

wow so chicheartheartheart

Evgeniya7, pred 2 leta

❤ Such a lovely set! I really like it! ❤

HalfMoonRun, pred 2 leta

So pretty and feminine styling with a certain look at the "yéyé/yeye" years. Another very beautiful set created with talent. ❤︎

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