Home Weekend

iz kolekcije ART , pred 5 leta
od Niwi
Home Weekend- Modna kombinacija
Happy Spring to all ! Stay at home if you can. And be thankful if this is a choice you can make.

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Komentarji (9)



Suburbhater , pred 5 leta

I have been indoors almost 2 weeks now - and there have been no cases yet in my area but it is only a matter of time. You keep safe m'dear!!

beautifulplace, pred 5 leta

Very lovely set! I will stay at home too! heart Have a nice weekend!

Niwi , pred 5 leta

Thank you !
Spring was there too until yesterday. Now bad weather is back in the nothern part of the country. Hope this will make people stay at home ! smile

BeBeauty, pred 5 leta

great set and very good advice, I'm going to stay at home smile Have a nice weekend smile

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Awesome Set Vero !! And I know that you know we will stay home !! =D
Today was really Spring like and I have my windows open for some fresh air !! Hugs Sweet Friend !! xoxo

Misshonee, pred 5 leta

Marvelous creation and great message ❤

HalfMoonRun, pred 5 leta

So beautiful set with its relaxing atmosphere, and you do well to recall these essential advice. Thank you. xo

JelNik, pred 5 leta


Gianoula , pred 5 leta

Such a harmonic set reading a good book at home with an open window for fresh air heart

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