Pink Vibes

iz kolekcije everyday , pred 7 leta
od br0k3n
Pink Vibes- Modna kombinacija
I used this picture in an old polyvore set of mine...nice to see it on this website! Thanks to those who have been uploading old items from polyvore to trend me...

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Komentarji (9)


Imisspolyvore, pred 7 leta

fab set

vespagirl, pred 7 leta

adorable! love it!

Ellen Norton, pred 7 leta

Very pretty set; very "Br0k3n" set!! I'm asking to become friends again because I had to make a new account. Lost my password and after 3 reset password requests, nothing worked. So here I am again!!

Niwi , pred 7 leta

Lovely ! ;)

beautifulplace, pred 7 leta


Marina Dusanic, pred 7 leta


Suburbhater , pred 7 leta

There are a lot of good items here for us! Well done on finding and using them

Marion Miller, pred 7 leta


haikuandkysses, pred 7 leta


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